- 你可以想象着这好比是同时讲话和嚼口香糖、吹口哨。
- So you can think about this like trying to talk and chew gum and whistle at the same time .
- 阴极射线管里面是真空的,当你钻开时,阴极射线管会往里吸气,某种吹口哨的声音。
- There 's a vacuum inside the cathode ray tube so the moment you drill through , the tube will suck air , sort of inhale a little whistle of it .
- 宫廷里的人爱她比爱原来的那只夜莺更厉害,因为他们都能吹点华尔兹的口哨儿了,以前真夜莺的曲子可哼不出来。
- The people in the court liked her even better than the old nightingale , because they could all whistle her tunes , -- which you can 't do with real nightingales .
- 她凭借近一个尖叫惊呼。
- She exclaimed with nearly a squeal .
- 我听见那个房间里有个姑娘尖叫了一声。
- I heard a girl squeal in that room .
- 没有尖叫音产生几率的历史效应。
- No history effect on squeal occurrence .
- 我一直没听见她那稚声稚气的尖嗓门。
- I haven 't heard her young screechy voice .
- 一个小时后,房间里响起了另一首歌,响亮而刺耳。
- An hour later another song , loud and screechy , filled the room .
- 它们曲折的飞翔总是伴随着或尖锐或沙哑的叫声。
- Their zig-zag flight was always screechy and raucous .