- 玻璃纤维增强环氧改性酚醛模塑料。
- Glass fiber reinforced epoxy modified phen .
- 1996年他将健身中心变成医生开食欲抑制药减肥药丸儿处方的诊所,结果遇到了问题,这些药丸能导致致命的心脏病。
- In 1996 he converted the centers into clinics for doctors to prescribe fen-phen diet drugs , only to run into the little problem that these drugs can cause fatal heart problems .
- 不同配体对铽-邻菲罗啉配合物荧光性质的影响。
- The influences on fluorescence property of tb - phen complex added with different ligand .
- 该知情人士表示,韩国金融监管机构金融监督院(financialsupervisoryservice)要求首尔的检察官对stevelim可能违反证券法一事进行调查。
- The country 's financial watchdog has asked prosecutors in seoul to investigate steve lim for possible violations of securities laws , the people said .
- 菲律宾证交所首席执行官franciscoedralinlim表示,与nyse签署协议,是向建立统一的亚洲资本市场迈出的重要一步。
- Francisco edralin lim , chief executive of the philippine stock exchange , said the deal with nyse was a significant move towards the establishment of integrated asean capital markets .
- 林新邦案是数十年来新加坡首起涉及到政府高层官员的案件。
- Mr. lim 's case is the first involving a senior government official in decades .