- 我觉得这简直无礼得令人发指。
- I find it infuriatingly rude .
- 他甚至对警察都很粗鲁。
- He 's even rude to the police .
- 但是他们粗鲁而有尖刻。
- But they 're rude and sarcastic .
- 但他们对布什咄咄逼人的魅力攻势依旧不为所动。
- But they remain unpersuaded by mr bush 's charm offensive .
- 因此,科索沃政府继续对塞尔维亚展开了各种进攻。
- So the kosovo government went on the offensive .
- 有罪的人在防守,无辜的人更常进攻。
- An innocent person will often go on the offensive .
- 高洪柱在他的同事看来时常会显得唐突和幼稚,他甚至有时会被一些他觉得有意思的事情逗得咯咯笑。
- Koh could be brusque and tactless with his colleagues , though he would just as easily break into boyish giggles when something amused him .
- 在诺兰大多数影片中,我们都能看到到这种松散的拍摄手法和唐突的后期剪辑,因此在我看来,这些都没有展现出革新的或者是特别有技术含量的视觉风格。
- We can find this loose shooting and brusque editing in most of nolan 's films , and so they don 't seem to me to display innovative , or particularly skilful , visual style .
- 传统的大西洋主义者波兰人觉得奥巴马边缘化,不仅由于奥巴马决定“重置”与俄罗斯的关系这一政策影响,而且还由于他们被告知要一起玩下去这一唐突的方式。
- The traditionally atlanticist poles felt sidelined not just by the policy implications of mr obama 's " reset " of relations with russia , but by the brusque way in which they were told to play along .