- 坦白地讲,粪便中的寄生虫可能沾到手上,然后又沾到读物上去,然后又可能沾到其他倒霉蛋的手上。
- To be blunt , bugs in your poo can get on your hands , be transferred to your reading material , and on to the hands of some other unfortunate .
- 今年卖得最好的是一种名叫饼干的“furreal”机器狗,他说这种狗是“你所能得到的最逼真的狗,除了它不拉屎和不吃昂贵食物”。
- Among this year 's bestsellers is a " furreal " robotic puppy called biscuit , which he says is " as close to being real as you can get , except it doesn 't poo or eat expensive food . "
- 你脸上敷的是屎吗?
- Is that poo on your face ?