- 这种人生观并不因其独特或成熟而令人惊叹。
- This philosophy is not startling for its originality nor for its maturity .
- 他通过建立“非洲领导奖”昭示了他的人生哲学。
- And his achievement in african leadership prize celebrates exemplars of his philosophy .
- 你的工作哲学是什么?
- What is your work philosophy ?
- 所有这些公司执着于特定的产品,而不是更深层次的哲学,并且在指导技术转移上存在困难。
- All these firms are wedded to specific products , not deeper philosophies , and are having trouble navigating technological shifts .
- 这些哲学经历了欧洲和亚洲的历史洗礼,且脱颖而出,甚至今天的社会规范也体现着它们的宗旨。
- It is these philosophies which have endured and stood out in european and asian history and even today their tenets are reflected in societal norms .
- 一些人说,西方文化的价值观源自古希腊,它强调个人英雄主义;其它文化则更多地吸收了部落哲学的理念。
- Some say that western cultures draw their values from ancient greece , with its emphasis on individual heroism , while other cultures draw on more on tribal philosophies .