
n.哲学( philosophy的名词复数 );人生哲学;人生观;达观
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- All these firms are wedded to specific products , not deeper philosophies , and are having trouble navigating technological shifts .
- 所有这些公司执着于特定的产品,而不是更深层次的哲学,并且在指导技术转移上存在困难。
- It is these philosophies which have endured and stood out in european and asian history and even today their tenets are reflected in societal norms .
- 这些哲学经历了欧洲和亚洲的历史洗礼,且脱颖而出,甚至今天的社会规范也体现着它们的宗旨。
- Some say that western cultures draw their values from ancient greece , with its emphasis on individual heroism , while other cultures draw on more on tribal philosophies .
- 一些人说,西方文化的价值观源自古希腊,它强调个人英雄主义;其它文化则更多地吸收了部落哲学的理念。
- What these arguments all have in common is that they ( and indie ) express the interconnection of two primary western philosophies : puritanism and romanticism .
- 这些争论的的共同点在于这些方面以及独立乐表达了立个基本西方哲学的内在连结,即清教主义以及浪漫主义。
- A dharmic society only objects to philosophies like that of charvaka who preach rank hedonism uninhibited by moral or legal restrictions .
- 一个达摩社会只反感像夏维卡(charvaka)这样的哲学,它鼓吹不受道德和法律规章约束的享乐主义。
- What makes the class so compelling is the way sandel uses real-life examples to illustrate the philosophies of the likes of aristotle , immanuel kant and john stuart mill .
- 他的课程如此引人关注是因为桑德尔用现实生活的例子例举诸如亚里士多德,康德和约翰斯图亚特穆勒的哲学思想。
- Of course what westerners now call confucianism has changed over the years , just like the other major philosophies that have flourished in the east : buddhism and taoism .
- 当然,和其它在东方蓬勃发展的哲学思想--佛教和道教一样,西方人所称的儒教随着时间已改变了。
- He recently said : " they learn our way of war ...... but they also learn our philosophies of civil-military relations . "
- 他最近说:“他们学习我们战争的方式……不过他们也学习我们军民关系的哲学。”
- The british press was fascinated by the similarity in our philosophies and politics , and the questions they asked seemed to have an impact on the american press traveling with me .
- 英国记者着迷于我们相似的哲学观和政治见解,他们问的问题似乎对与我随行的美国记者很有影响。
- But kapor puts at least part of it down to an important evolution in the underlying philosophies that emerged , appropriately enough , with mozilla back in 1998 .
- 不过,卡普尔认为至少部分原因归于在1998年与mozilla浏览器同时出现的一种基础性哲学思想的演变。