- 高谈阔论者讲到我们抑制我们的欲望,只有最少的东西来满足我们的感官,只用大自然所缺乏的东西来供给它们,这听起来好像很美妙;
- It may sound fine in the mouth of a declaimer when he talks of subduing our appetites , of teaching every sense to be content with a bare sufficiency , and of supplying only the wants of nature ;
- 后来,广播节目撰稿人学会了用口播语词表现时问和地点,同时伴随着旨在加强印象的声音和音乐。
- Writers for radio next learned how to suggest place and time by word of mouth , accompanied by the impressionistic use of sound and music .
- 他看着她欣然接受了这个钟声,觉得他的嘴抽搐,挣扎着板着面孔。
- He watched as she jumped at the sound of the bell and felt his mouth twitch as he struggled to keep a straight face .