- 国家利用'表损失率',曝光,替代魔术字,来证明什么的汽车保险公司希望你付钱。
- The state uses tables of ' loss ratios ' , exposure , and alternative conjuring words , to justify what the auto insurance companies wish you to pay .
- 我们在此并不是要玩弄变戏法。
- We are not here either to do conjuring tricks .
- 你将无法抗拒制作奶油蛋糕的诱惑。
- You won 't be able to resist conjuring up cream cakes .
- 最后,还有一个对命名参数的约束就是一旦你为一个方法掉哦那个指定了参数名称,那么剩下的在这个参数之后的所有参数都必须是命名参数。
- Finally , another constraint on named parameters is that once you provide a name for a parameter in a method invocation , then the rest of the parameters appearing after it must also be named .
- 运行时调用的方法是正确的,问题是编译器为这一调用列集的参数是不正确的,这导致了数据的返回类型被破坏。
- The correct method is invoked at runtime . The problem is that the compiler marshalled the parameters for this invocation incorrectly leading to data corruption of the return type .
- 她随口喊出戴安娜或迪安娜的名字,也很可能那是一声求助。
- She shouted out a name like diana or deanna , something that could also have been an invocation .