- 但谁又能指责他们呢?
- And who can blame them ?
- 政治因素负有部分责任。
- Politics is partly to blame .
- 我们当然不是想责备你。
- We don 't exactly blame you .
- 这就是他指出的第一个断层线。
- That 's his first fault line .
- 会发现这项法律的错误.
- Could find fault with it .
- 但是,这是他的错吗?
- But was it his fault ?
- 在某种程度上是帕潘德里欧自己铸成了他的不幸。
- Mr papandreou was in part the author of his own misfortune .
- 否认这一权利无疑是给他们的不幸施加更多的残忍。
- To deny it to them is to add cruelty to misfortune .
- 从他人的不幸中获利,你作何想?
- How would you feel about benefiting from someone else 's misfortune ?
- 土耳其如此的外交政策却引致了部分西方国家尤其是美国的公开谴责。
- Yet turkey 's active foreign policy has attracted censure in parts of the west , especially america .
- 既然有被责难的风险,为何政府还想加入进来呢?
- Given the risk of censure , then , why should governments want to join ?
- 这些感觉早已凝固,并且我对社会责难的巨大恐惧都无法与之匹敌。
- These feelings gelled early , and my considerable fear of society 's censure was no match for them .
- 财政条约的核心是要把财政制度写入宪法,并且让欧盟机构惩处那些放肆挥霍的行为。
- The idea is to write fiscal discipline into national constitutions and harness the eu 's institutions to punish profligacy and excess .
- 或许选民将惩罚肮脏的政治家。
- Perhaps voters will punish dirty politicians .
- 主张严惩罪犯的一派包括大部分右翼媒体和大多的农村人口,他们希望严厉制裁暴乱者。
- The nasty camp , which includes most of the right-wing press and much of the country , wants to punish rioters severely .
- ald是由x染色体中一个产生ald蛋白质的基因缺陷所引起的。
- Ald is caused by a defect in an x chromosome gene that produces a protein called ald .
- 周三,出使阿拉伯联合酋长国的阿卜杜勒拉提夫(abdellatif)成为了第四个叛逃的叙利亚大使。
- On wednesday abdel latif al-dabbagh , envoy to the united arab emirates , became the fourth syrian ambassador to defect .
- 朝鲜政府级别最高的叛逃官员、上世纪60年代曾教过金正日的前大学教授黄长烨(hwangjangyop)2009年接受采访时说,金正日从没有做过什么难事。
- Hwang jang yop , the highest-ranking north korean government officer ever to defect and a college professor of mr. kim 's in the 1960s , said in a 2009 interview that mr. kim never did anything difficult .
- 你和你的兄弟都没有错。
- Neither you nor your brother is at fault .
- 在这场事故中谁是过错方?
- Who is at fault in the accident ?
- 诚然,世界能源价格上涨和恶劣的环境条件必须付上一定的责任,但确实的问题是我们的调节机制不能够有效地工作。
- Yes more expensive energy and bad weather are partly at fault but the real question is why adjustment hasn 't been easier .