- 我的实习期会持续一个礼拜。
- And my internship will last 1 week .
- 下个礼拜我也许就不在这儿了。
- I may not be here next week .
- 你只有一天,不是一个礼拜。
- You get a day , not a week .
- 这整个形成了一个电路。
- This is an electronic circuit .
- 通过外部电路就可以利用这一点来导通电流。
- That can be used to drive a current through an external circuit .
- 在此之前,专利上诉由巡回上诉法院受理。
- Before that patent appeals went to circuit courts of appeal .
- 欧元区外围国家疲于紧缩?
- Does the periphery tire of austerity ?
- 有趣的是,欧洲边缘国家的经济学家们就比较尖锐了。
- Interestingly , economists from the periphery are more critical .
- 外围国家的主权债务将违约。
- The sovereigns in the periphery would default .