- 花瓣5(或6),白色,米色,粉红色,离生,在芽中长于花萼,覆瓦状(梅花形),基部贴生于短垫状雌雄蕊柄(花盘)。
- Petals 5 ( or 6 ) , white , cream-colored , or pink , distinct , longer than calyx in bud , imbricate ( quincuncial ) , basally adnate to a short pulvinate androgynophore ( disk ) .
- 花冠合瓣,钟形,管状,旋卷状;裂片在芽气重叠。
- Corolla gamopetalous , campanulate , tubular , or rotate ; lobes overlapping in bud .
- 花冠合瓣;花冠裂片4-5(-16),镊合状排列,在芽期覆瓦状或者旋转状。
- Corolla sympetalous ; lobes 4 or 5 ( -- 16 ) , valvate , imbricate or contorted in bud .
- 接着是早期智人,大脑更发达,工具的使用也开始萌芽。
- Then came early homo , with its even bigger brain and budding tool use .
- 拥堵的交通不会扼杀萌芽中的美国创业者,但缓慢的网速却可能是致命的。
- The budding us entrepreneur can survive gridlocked traffic . But a slow internet can be crippling .
- 他们意识到萌发中的危机。
- They were aware of a budding crisis .