- 在一年的模棱两可态度之后,奥巴马表态他支持同性恋婚姻。
- After years of equivocation , barack obama declared that he supportsgay marriage .
- 与对西方资本主义的怀疑一样,人们对俄罗斯式国家资本主义模式同样抑郁模棱两可的态度。
- The scepticism about western capitalism was matched by an equally marked equivocation over russia 's own model of state capitalism .
- 而且从它含糊的表述中可以看出,哈马斯仍拒绝直接表示它可以接受以色列的既存状态。
- And for all its equivocation , hamas still refuses to say plainly that it can ever accept the permanence of israel .