- 在加利福尼亚州派拉蒙的抗议活动看来规模最大:超过一千五百名群众在街上集会,唱着抗议歌曲,反对沃尔玛用低工资政策让员工停留在贫困状态。
- The biggest protest seemed to be in paramount , california , where more than 1500 people gathered in the streets to chant protest songs in opposition to what they say are low wages that keep walmart workers in poverty .
- 巴基斯坦货车司机在减速之前吟唱祈祷,在穆斯林斋月第三天,巴基斯坦拉合尔市,周一。
- Pakistani truck drivers chant prayer before breaking their fast , on the third day of the muslim holy fasting month of ramadan , in lahore , pakistan , monday .
- 英格兰足球队的追随者将不能再唱圣歌,他们会向发过球迷说“如果不是我们英国人,你们还是德国人”。
- Followers of the england football team will no longer be able to chant , " if it wasn 't for us brits , you 'd be krauts " at french fans .
- 背诵一篇具有重要历史意义的演讲。
- Memorize and recite an important historical speech .
- 尽管一个人可能能背出词的定义,在上下文中认出这个词又是另一回事。
- Although a person may be able to recite a definition , learning to recognize a word in context is another trick entirely .
- 你的祷告是否有一个长长的列表,里面充满了各样的请求,你就把这些请求依次背给神听?
- Do your prayers still consist of a long list , filled with requests , which you recite to god ?
- 在未来的几年里面,如果美国消费者信心依然不足,如果联邦和州政府不断抱怨自己的债务,如果国有公司依然是我们昂贵的负担,私有经济领域将会是创造就业岗位的唯一出路。
- If , in the years ahead , the american consumer remains reluctant to spend , if federal and state governments groan under their debt loads , if government-owned companies remain expensive burdens , then private-sector activity will become the only path to create jobs .
- 也许婚礼上她的呻吟真的是一声呜咽?
- Maybe that groan had been a moan after all ?
- 他解释说,当奥巴马总统在国情咨文中讲那个关于牛奶溢出的笑话时,全美国都在推特上表达着集体的抱怨情绪。
- He explained that when president obama made the spilled-milk joke in his ' state of the union ' speech , ' there was a collective groan that went on around the country ' on twitter .