


For this english-language edition , the authors have added a brief postscript to a narrative that stops with their subject 's victory in a recall referendum in august 2004 .
She explains in a postscript that this is " because we have become old and ...... too often the experience old people have to share is wobbly health . " Enough said .
But , the third rule has often bailed me out and it 's thanks to a little postscript to the third rule that has washed away my need for penance .
Just as the early years of the last century were a wash-up period to the 19th , so the first decade or so of the 19th was an epilogue to the 18th .
That task is not , actually , quite the one his publishers imply in the book 's subtitle , for only a 12-page epilogue is devoted to how japan 's economic recovery and changed domestic politics are contributing to a " resurgence of japanese power and purpose " .
Kubrick was wise to remove that epilogue .
In an afterword martin gayford says that he would like his book about the painter , john constable , to give the same pleasure that a novel would .
Keynes would have interpreted this as an extreme outbreak of liquidity-preference , says paul davidson , whose biography of the master has just been republished with a new afterword .
The paperback edition of his book freefall with a new afterword is being published this month