- 在中世纪末,受到纸张的广泛使用,以及寺院和学术界以外的读者数量激增的影响,很多书籍手抄本的生产量出现了惊人增长。
- During the later middle ages a staggering growth in the production of manuscripts , facilitated by the use of paper , accompanied a great expansion of readers outside the monastic and scholastic contexts .
- 她发现那些睡眠少于其它人,按照他们的父母所言每晚睡眠不足10小时,的孩子比同龄人要更易怒、易受挫、最后在18岁到32岁时更具攻击性。
- She found that those who slept " less than others " - roughly fewer than 10 hours a night - according to their parents , were more likely than their peers to self-report high levels of anxiety , depression and aggression later , between the ages of 18 and 32 .
- 在以后的年代里,透特的自我以石板中描述的方式进入人的身体。
- During later ages , the ego of thoth passed into the bodies of men in the manner described in the tablets .