In the last two months , headhunters have been scouring america 's decimated financial sector mostly for ethnic chinese executives .
Years of continual tumbling and scouring by surf and sand have rounded off any rough edges .
We spent all weekend scouring around for same antiques to use in furnishing our new apartment .
If you ever spot him scouring the supermarket shelves , that is probably what he is doing .
Mix it with borax to make a great scouring powder .
Proceedings have dragged on since 2009 , with lawyers scouring 9m pages of documents .
Team obama has long been scouring the nation for scientists .
And it is this random scouring for new connections that allows us to loosen certain pathways and create new , potentially useful , ones .
This is a necessary step because some of the starch degradation products in the presence of the sodium hydroxide used in scouring form strong reducing agents that can cause color changes in dyed materials .
Your skin takes a lot of damage from the weather outside , and scouring it too much will actually increase wear and tear , and will do more harm than good .