- 不过,当这个秋天克拉拉的奶奶到来以后,对于奶奶和海蒂,都会有许多新的快乐和惊喜等待着她们;毫无疑问,海蒂会拥有一张舒适的床。
- But when grandmamma comes next autumn there will be many fresh joys and surprises both for heidi and grandmother ; without doubt a proper bed will be put up in the hay-loft , for wherever grandmamma steps in , there everything is soon in right order , outside and in .
- 它是一种权利可争议的法令;全体议会应当制定恰当的法律以使它达到快速和有效的救济的目的。
- It shall be a writ issuable of right ; and the general assembly shall make provision to render it a speedy and effectual remedy in all cases proper therefor .
- 斯宾诺莎的绝对实体诚然还不是绝对精神,而上帝应该界说为绝对精神,乃是正当的要求。
- The absolute substance of spinoza certainly falls short of absolute spirit , and it is a right and proper requirement that god should be defined as absolute spirit .