- 研究人员发现,由于这种“失敏效应”,这些男性研究对象很快便需要更强力的刺激来引发同样程度的“性”致。
- Given the desensitization effect on most male subjects , researchers found that they quickly required higher levels of stimulation to achieve the same level of arousal .
- 莲花塘水文站同日出现1904年建站以来第四高水位。
- The water level at lianhuatang hydrometric station reached the fourth highest on the same day since the establishment of the station in 1904 .
- pandora使用一个高效率aac编解码器来编码它的歌曲,一个64kbps的he-aac文件据说听起来跟128kbps的mp3一样,提供一样水平的质量,但频宽就只有一半。
- Pandora encodes its songs using a high-efficiency aac codec , compared to the mp3 encoding used with last.fm . A 64kbps he-aac file is said to sound on-par with a 128kbps mp3 , providing the same level of quality , but at half the bandwidth .
- 此外,好像他并没对他的同辈学人有过失礼之举,是吧?
- Besides , it 's not likely that he 's been disrespectful to his peers , right ?
- 那为什么有别于其他同等水平的发达国家,美国的肥胖率直到20世纪80年代才开始加速上升呢?
- But why did the obesity rate accelerate in the united states beginning in the 1980s , setting us apart from our peers in other developed countries ?
- 然而,印度需要的不仅仅是与其他国家以同等速度发展,因为它所面临的挑战要更加严峻。
- India , however , needs to be more than a match for its peers because the existential challenges it faces are more severe .