- 而这个时候,伊莱却在狼吞虎咽地大嚼一块黑莓派,凝视着天花板上的那盏灯,几乎没有注意到桌子下面的骚乱和她姐姐那被压制着的叹息……
- Meanwhile , eli , scarcely paying attention to the commotion under the table and her sister 's stifled sighs , wolfed down a slice of blackberry pie and stared at the lamp on the ceiling .
- 记者还发现紧凑型荧光灯直立安装在灯座上比悬吊在天花板固定装置上使用寿命更长。
- He has also found that cfls last longer when used upright in a lamp-stand , rather than dangling from a ceiling fixture .
- 而这个时候,伊莱却在狼吞虎咽地大嚼一块黑莓派,凝视着天花板上的那盏灯,几乎没有注意到桌子下面的骚乱和她姐姐那被压制着的叹息……
- Meanwhile , eli , scarcely paying attention to the commotion under the table and her sister 's stifled sighs , wolfed down a slice of blackberry pie and stared at the lamp on the ceiling .
- 我不想吊在一棵枝形吊灯上。
- I don 't want to dangle from a chandelier .
- 他在买下第一栋房子后,立刻去买了一个枝形吊灯。
- He got his first house , got a chandelier right away .
- 那著名的有着上千盏灯的枝形吊灯,竟然脱离束缚它的绳索坠落在下面的观众席上。
- The famous chandelier , with its thou sand lights , broke away from its ropes and crashed down on to the people below .
- 怎么拿着我皇母的玉坠羽扇?
- Why do you have my mother 's jade pendant feather fan ?
- 设想把爱尔兰顺时针旋转90度,放大三分之一,就好像挂在北极圈上的一块坠子。
- Think of ireland . Rotate it 90 degrees clockwise , make it a third bigger and hang it like a pendant from the arctic circle .
- 作为伦敦设计节的一部分,contemporist参观了主题为《tentlondon》的设计活动,伦敦的本土设计师tamasineosher在活动中展出了自己的最新作品,其中包括木头吊灯,春凳,自行车架/货架组合。
- As part of the london design festival , contemporist visited the tent london design event , where london-based designer tamasine osher exhibited her latest work , including some wood pendant lamps , spring stools , and a combination bike rack / shelf .