- 但这种繁荣难以持久。
- But the boom was unsustainable .
- 结果就是又一次繁荣。
- The result is another boom .
- 人口激增带来好处的同时,也带来了压力。
- The population boom brings relief and strain .
- 哈佛大学的德里克罗西执行了类似的技巧,使用合成的rna信使分子模仿有问题的基因的活性。
- Derrick rossi of harvard university has performed a similar trick using synthetic rna messenger molecules to mimic the activity of the genes in question .
- 德里克认为,鉴于宏观经济形势依然不确定和地缘政治形势高度紧张,波动性低是一种假象,是由央行注入额外流动性导致的。
- Given the uncertain macro-economic picture and the high level of geopolitical tensions , mr derrick believes it is the latter , caused by the extra liquidity being injected into the system by central banks .
- 你是在地下道演奏,德瑞克。
- You play in an underpass derrick .
- 戴维不可能听起来更流畅,并立即投标;埃里克觉得这和基本观点。
- Davit could not have sounded more mellifluous and tender at once ; eric felt this and the underlying sentiment .
- 由于吊艇柱和释放机械的原因,救生艇不能下降。
- Lifeboats could not be lowered properly because of davit and release mechanism deficiencies .
- 救助艇架(救生筏吊架)静负荷试验。
- Rescue boat davit ( life raft davit ) to be done static loading test.28 .