- 我感觉自己像一个在婚礼上穿过走道的新郎一样无法说服自己相信这么做是对的。
- I felt like a groom walking up the aisle on his wedding day , not really convinced that he 's doing the right thing .
- 或者提前咨询你的花匠来冻干你的花束,这样它看起来就和在你们婚礼那天差不多鲜艳了。
- Or ask your florist in advance to freeze-dry your bouquet so that it looks nearly as colorful as it did on your wedding day .
- 在里头放着妈妈最喜欢的姑妈--希儿达姑妈送给妈妈的红宝石项链;一对婚礼当日祖母送给母亲的精致珍珠耳环;还有我母亲高雅的结婚项链,当她帮忙父亲做外头杂务时,她总会把这项链摘下来。
- In it her mother lay the loving aunt - greek infants as aunt sent her ruby necklace ; a pair of wedding day the grandmother to give mother 's exquisite pearl earrings ; and my mother elegant wedding necklace , when her father outside help do chores , she always put the necklace off to .