- 许多人则没有如此幸运。
- Many are not so lucky .
- 事实上,一定程度上我是幸运的。
- In fact , in some ways I 'm lucky .
- 女人可就没这么幸运了。
- Women are not so lucky .
- 一些食物被点上了红墨水,他们告诉这只是因为红色是一种非常吉利的颜色。
- Some of the food was dotted with red ink purely because red is an auspicious color , I was told .
- 她在订婚后又过了两年才结婚,因为她的母亲告诉她,她30岁之后结婚更吉利。
- She had a two-year engagement before getting married because her mother told her that it would be more auspicious if the wedding took place after she turned 30 .
- 危机后紧缩的时机几乎不可能被更少的吉祥。
- The timing of post-crisis austerity could hardly have been less auspicious .
- 怎么解释在这些有利条件下、无可辩驳地做出的糟糕决策呢?
- What explains the bad decisions that do undeniably get made even in these propitious circumstances ?
- 合适的比赛大气条件使得(比赛)时间减少和跳跃距离增加。
- Times might edge down and distances jumped edge up in propitious atmospheric conditions .
- 可惜的是这些项目在2008年10月开始营业,众所周知这个时间对于这种风险投资来说是个最不合适的时间。
- Sadly , these opened for business in october 2008-the least propitious moment imaginable for such a venture .