- 凯雷拒绝就关闭工厂一事置评。
- Carlyle declined to comment on the closure .
- 7月15日到18日期间就会出现一次主干道关闭。
- Just such a closure will occur between july 15th and 18th .
- 大约有12000人加入了抗议队伍,他们要求工厂关闭。
- Around 12000 people joined the protest demanding the plant 's closure .
- 该着陆器,尤其是其自主对接和集结能力,也将依托atv技术。
- The lander would be based on atv technology too , specifically its autonomous docking and rendezvous abilities .
- 下一个任务就是练习空间对接。
- The next mission will practise docking .
- 从月面升空后尚未与指挥舱对接时的鹰号。
- Eagle before docking with the command module after ascent from the surface