- 在阿富汗问题上,巴美两国处理不当而且调解失败,这将是巴美关系问题的症结所在。
- Afghanistan , where the two countries fumble and fail to accommodate each other , will remain the crux of pakistan 's relations with america .
- 关于蜂鸟和花之间的授粉互利关系就很好的说明了这一点,花的形状和鸟嘴的结构逐步彼此适应,最终达到了完美的契合。
- This is most clearly seen in the pollination mutualisms involving hummingbirds and flowers , where the structure of flower and bill have co-evolved to accommodate each other and make a perfect fit .
- 美国能快速的退出使用武力迫使伊拉克人互相调解的方式吗?
- Might america 's rapid exit force iraqis to accommodate each other ?