- 这在西班牙合法吗?
- Is that legal in spain ?
- 但这是完全合法的。
- It was all perfectly legal .
- 较小的障碍是法律上的。
- The minor obstacle is legal .
- 进口国也有合法利益。
- Importers have legitimate interests , too .
- 当然,美国有着合理的安全关切。
- Certainly , the us has legitimate security concerns .
- 普京满足于合法的支持吗?
- Does putin enjoy legitimate support ?
- 这才是一个合法且守法的政府所追寻的终极目的。
- This is the leading goal of legitimate and lawful government .
- rim一般不会披露它在某个国家为协助合法的信息截取行为所做的具体约定。
- Rim doesn 't disclose the specific arrangements it makes in any country to facilitate lawful intercepts .
- 首先,它会让走私者直接受益,而不是地方经济中的合法经营者。
- First it enriches smugglers directly , rather than lawful elements of the local economy .
- 与其让钱留在资产负债表上起不到任何作用,公司不防把它交出来分给合法的所有人。
- Rather than let the money fester on the balance sheet , the company might as well hand over some of it to its rightful owners .
- 但金正日的突然去世加剧了将金正恩塑造为合法继承人的故事的需求。
- But the sudden death of kim jong il has accelerated the need for accounts of the younger mr. kim as the rightful heir .
- 莫拉雷斯先生将反对者们视为纯粹的种族主义势力,他们试图推翻他,同时坚持特权,否认土著玻利维亚人合法的享有国家的天然气、矿物和土地的权力。
- Mr morales sees his foes as a racist elite trying to overthrow him while clinging to privileges and denying indigenous bolivians a rightful share of the country 's natural gas , minerals and land .
- 我的护照有效期是三年。
- My passport is valid for 3 years .
- 这是一个完全有效的方法。
- That would be a completely valid approach .
- 其他有效的医学形式都不存在。
- No other valid form of medicine exists .
- 问道射杀的合法性,carney读起了已经准备好的报告。
- Asked about the legality of the killing , carney read from a prepared statement .
- 津巴布韦总统穆加贝办公室表示,出版这份小册子是否合法的问题正在进行调查。
- President robert mugabe 's office says the legality of the publication is being investigated .
- 委员会当前正在审核公司管理层就以往收购案做出的决策的合法性和有效性。
- The committee is examining the legality and validity of management decisions on past deals .