- 凯雷拒绝就关闭工厂一事置评。
- Carlyle declined to comment on the closure .
- 7月15日到18日期间就会出现一次主干道关闭。
- Just such a closure will occur between july 15th and 18th .
- 大约有12000人加入了抗议队伍,他们要求工厂关闭。
- Around 12000 people joined the protest demanding the plant 's closure .
- 尽你所能地收集所有动物标本,将你的卧室开发成动物园。
- Gather up all the stuffed animals you can and turn a room into a zoo .
- 搜寻下自己所在社区的新景点收拾好外出的衣服,然后带家人来一次休闲的远足。
- Scout out some new scenery in the area gather up the gear and take the family on a leisurely ( or energetic ) hike .
- 搜集一些实用简单的菜谱
- Gather up some quick recipes