- 在一个无标点句里,独立的句子被挤到一起,之间缺少必要的标点符号或者连词。
- In a run-on sentence , independent clauses are squished together without the help of punctuation or a conjunction .
- 这种蛋白质在工作中,与包被在上皮细胞上的薄粘膜层相结合。
- The protein works in conjunction with a thin mucous layer that coats the epithelial cells .
- 大家都知道用“和”这样的连词开头的句子都是错的。
- As everyone knows it is wrong to begin a sentence with a conjunction such as " and " .
- 双方得票应该非常接近。
- The vote should be close .
- 这么近,但又那么远。
- So close but so far away .
- 美国也在密切关注这次大选。
- The us is also paying close attention .
- 伊朗的核爆炸试验是二者的结合。
- An iranian bomb threatens to combine them both .
- 在一个碗里合并所有干的材料。
- In one bowl combine all of the dry ingredients .
- 在另一个碗里合并所有湿的材料。
- In a separate bowl combine all of the wet ingredients .