- 当身体的免疫系统攻击毛囊或者其他对头发生长和维护很重要的细胞或组织时,就会造成各种形式的脱发,包括瘢痕性脱发(一种永久性脱发形式)和休止期脱发(当头发的生长周期中断时发生)。
- When the body 's immune system attacks hair follicles or other cells or tissues important to hair growth and maintenance it can result in hair loss of various kinds including cicatricial alopecia ( a form of permanent hair loss ) and telogen effluvium ( which occurs when hair 's growth cycle is disrupted ) .
- 随后汤浅医生和其他人开始练习各种手术:首先是一个阑尾切除术,然后是截掉一条手臂,最后是气管切开术。
- Then dr. yuasa and the others began practicing various kinds of surgery : first an appendectomy , then an amputation of an arm and finally a tracheotomy .
- 种类繁多的避孕药在18世纪时期变得极为流行,可像卡萨诺瓦这样的浪荡人士却更愿意把他们看做抵御疾病的保护措施,而不是控制生育的形式。
- Sheaths of various kinds became popular in the 18th century , but libertines such as casanova saw them more as protection against disease than as a form of birth control .