- 两人都以坚定不移,决不妥协的讲话臣服了各自的听众。
- Both men regaled their respective audiences with defiant , uncompromising speeches .
- 他说再有袭击的话,安全部队会”痛苦,严厉,强大,不妥协的作出回应“。
- He said further strikes would " be answered with a painful , harsh , strong and uncompromising response from the security forces " .
- 美国是一个保守的国度;每一个共和党的被提名者,包括《经济学人》过去支持过的那些,都曾对上帝、同性恋者和枪支管理有着相当坚定的看法。
- America is a conservative place ; every republican nominee , including those the economist has backed in the past , has signed up to pretty uncompromising views on god , gays and guns .