- 在正面光彩夺目的廊柱之后端坐着宙斯(zeus)这位众神之王的黄金象牙雕像这座石头神像是如此之大,假如他站起身来,头肯定会冲破神庙的屋顶。
- Behind a dazzling colonnaded facade sat a gold-and-ivory statue of zeus , divine master of ceremonies -- a stone god so huge that , had he stood up , his head would have gone through the temple roof .
- 在八月中旬美国当地举行的帕瓦仪式上,当庆典主持宣布她出席的时候,人们激动欢呼起来。
- At a native-american " pow-wow " ( festival ) in mid-august , the crowd cheered feelingly when the master of ceremonies announced that she was present .
- 会议主持人一开场就指出戴蒙也曾是2006年会议午餐时间的演讲人,时值次贷泡沫破裂前夕。
- The master of ceremonies began by noting that dimon was also the lunchtime speaker at the conference in 2006 just before the mortgage bubble burst .
- 某地正在举行缝补有奖大赛,主持人在一件衣服上开了三个洞。
- Holding patchy contest having reward somewhere , compere opened 3 holes on a dress .
- 主持人一看不对呀,这圣诞老人怎么没有胡须呢?
- Compere looks incorrect ah , how doesn 't this santa claus have beard ?
- 主持人:您的英语很好,斯达夫罗斯。
- Compere : you speak english very well , stavros .
- 女主持人广播节目或电视节目的女性主持人或采访者。
- A woman who is the emcee or interviewer on a radio or television program .
- 司仪:好了,新郎你可以拥抱你的新娘了。
- Emcee : ok , bridegroom can hug your wife .
- 当时还不知名的脱口秀主持人杰雷诺担当司仪。
- Jay leno , even then not the country 's hippest talk show host , served as emcee .