- 最后,也用不着支撑巨大旋转叶片的高塔了,这就大幅度削减了建设成本和安装时间。
- Finally , the massive pylon needed to support a very large rotating blade can be eliminated , slashing construction costs and setup times .
- 那片掉落的叶片也被运走,涡轮机也被拆除,一座手机通讯站如今矗立在爷爷圆丘上。
- The blade was carted off , the turbine torn down . A cellphone tower now adorns grandpa 's knob .
- 该项目的另一个打击来自丹麦风力发电机制造商维斯塔斯(vestas)公司,该公司决定关闭其设在英国怀特岛上的英国唯一的风力发电机叶片制造厂。
- Another blow came from the decision of danish wind turbine manufacturer vestas to close the uk 's only blade manufacturing plant on the isle of wight .
- 每次实验进行前,里面的一个电动马达就会划动一支桨,而在这支桨完全停止划动三秒后,亨利会得到指示让它游到箱子处并把头伸进去。
- Inside it , an electric motor swept a paddle around before each experimental run and then , three seconds after the paddle had finished its sweep , henry was given the signal to go to the box and place his head in it .
- 这款游戏要求玩家通过操纵一个球拍使小球反弹去撞击屏幕上的砖块。
- It consists of the player bouncing a ball off a paddle to destroy a collection of bricks on the screen .
- 如果一头河马气势汹汹地向你游过来,站起来在空气里挥桨,这会让你看起来体积大些。
- If a hippo starts swimming aggressively towards you , stand up and wave your paddle in the air , to make yourself seem larger than you are .
- 此项技术可为汽轮机叶片安装轮缘的设计和安全性分析提供可靠依据。
- Tnis measure method supplies reliable data for security analysis and designing installed flange of steam turbine 's vane .
- 奶奶耐心地向我解释过天气风向标的功能,它挂在墙上,用以预测未来的天气。
- Granny took the time to explain the function of her weather vane , hanging on the wall , which predicted the upcoming weather .
- 通过旋转调节环从而旋转叶片来获得可变的叶片间隙。
- The variable vane gap is achieved by turning the adjusting ring and thus turning the vanes .
- 超微结构观察结果显示:在胶原纤维完整,上皮下结缔组织内成纤维细胞丰富、能活跃部位,基底膜较完整,相应部位之上皮细胞分化较好。
- Observation on ultrastructure showed where the collagenous fibrils were intact , fibrioblast with active function were found in hypodermatic connective tissues , the basal lamina were intact , the epidermoid cells were well differentiated .
- 摘要血脑屏障是由脑微血管内皮细胞、星形神经胶质细胞、外膜细胞、血管周围巨噬细胞和基底膜组成的一个复杂系统,对维持中枢神经系统的正常功能非常重要。
- Abstract blood-brain barrier ( bbb ) , which is formed by a complex system of cerebral microvascular endothelial cells , astroglia , pericytes , perivascular macrophages , and a basal lamina , plays an important role in maintaining the normal functions of the central nervous system .
- 缝合单层板弹性常数的计算与分析。
- Elastic constants analysis of stitched lamina .
- 此外,桨叶的平面与支柱平行。
- In addition , the plane of the blades is parallel to the pole .
- 通过利用计算流体动力学,这种设计已经成为可能完善了桨叶和船壳的形状。
- This design has been made possible using computational fluid dynamics to perfect the shapes of the blades and pods .
- 在测试特定的方案以前,nasa必须首先搜集在不同的运行条件下桨叶与空气如何相互作用的数据。
- Before specific solutions can be tested , nasa must first collect data on how the rotor blades interact with air under a variety of operating conditions .