- 瘦果无柄;小枝和叶柄短无毛。
- Achene sessile ; branchlets and petiole glabrous .
- 叶柄耳形在基部(至少在下部叶);花序不头状。
- Petiole auriculate at base ( at least in lower leaves ) ; inflorescences not capitate .
- 团伞花序生于矮小,腋生的小枝,矮小小枝基部与叶柄愈合,因此团伞花序看起来是生于叶柄。
- Glomerule borne on dwarf , axillary branchlet , dwarf branchlet base fused with petiole and thus glomerule appearing to be borne on petiole .
- 具花柱及连接子房与花托的柄。
- With a style and a stipe .
- 晋江市安海镇菌柄新兴机配件厂。
- Anhai town , jinjiang city stipe emerging machine parts factory .
- 半个世纪前,我们失去了加缪却得到了斯蒂普。
- A half-century ago we lost camus and gained stipe .