- 用收集的树叶做一个树叶圈。
- Create a leaf wreath with leaves you collect .
- 它能托着你就像托着下落的树叶强气流。
- It can carry you like a strong current carries a fallen leaf .
- 精灵摘下一片树叶,里面盛了一汪泉水。
- The spirit picks off a leaf with spring water in it .
- 我的左耳垂上有你留下的唇膏印
- Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains
- 外耳包括耳垂和外耳道用于把声波引入鼓膜,使之振动鼓膜。
- The outer ear includes the ear lobe and external auditory canal , which funnels sound waves toward the eardrum ( ortympanic membrane ) allowing it to vibrate .
- 探测器被插入离海马区很近的太阳穴中部脑叶,海马区是大脑的一个专门负责记忆和怎么去记起事情的区域。
- The probes were inserted into the medial temporal lobe , near the hippocampus , an area of the brain central to memory and how we remember events .
- 在一些省的官方网站上会根据当地的气候条件,每天更新最新的树叶变化情况,以满足那些对此感兴趣的人们的需要。
- For those who are interested , a number of provincial websites offer up-to-date reports on fall foliage based on local conditions .
- 我发现了这个有着红色叶子的树木醒目线。
- I spotted this eye-catching line of trees with red foliage .
- 30岁意味着成熟在这个年纪,人们期盼是果实而不是新叶。
- Thirty -- that is to say maturity -- the age at which people expect fruit rather than fresh foliage .
- “简历只有一页,很难把握。
- " The one page resume is a myth .
- 2.切勿盲目编辑自己的页面
- Do not blindly edit your own page
- 尤其要注意第一页的搜索结果。
- Pay particular attention to the first page of results .