- 在餐桌上,我们就放松多了。
- At the table we are more relaxed .
- 更多信息,参考下面的功能对比表。
- See the feature comparison table below for more information .
- 一桌供应五只松鸡。
- One table had five birds .
- 戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)领导的英国政府绝对愿意站在站台上向他们挥手告别。
- David cameron 's british government is perfectly content to wave goodbye from the platform .
- 马萧配的竞选纲领就是改善两岸关系。
- The pair campaigned on a platform to improve cross-strait relations .
- 你要到对面的月台才对。
- You need to go to the opposite platform .
- 奥巴马的立场在那里?
- Where does senator obama stand ?
- 美国应当更坚持于自己的立场。
- America needs to stand firmer .
- 这一立场已经激怒了金先生。
- The stand has infuriated mr kim .
- 他从来不在这张桌子上工作。
- He never worked at the desk .
- 它够不够放下桌子那么大?
- Is it big enough for a desk ?
- 你今天离开了你的桌子了吗?
- Did you leave your desk today ?