- 金钱也许买不了幸福。
- Money may not buy happiness .
- 德国也许是个特例。
- Germany may be an exception .
- 他也会进行铀浓缩。
- It may enrich uranium too .
- 但是真正的领导者往往能化腐朽为神奇。
- But true leaders turn the hard into the possible .
- 这是有可能的,一些研究者这样说。
- It might be possible , some researchers say .
- 炒掉四名董事会成员,越高调越好。
- Fire four board members , as publicly as possible .
- 你能想象那种惨境吗?
- Can you imagine that ?
- 索尼和任天堂能否幸存?
- Can sony and nintendo survive ?
- 只有你才能做得到。
- Only you can do that .