- 二十世纪七十年代初期,他获得宾夕法尼亚大学经济学博士学。
- He received a doctorate in economics at the university of pennsylvania in the early nineteen seventies .
- 上世纪70年代,著名的纽约世贸中心双子塔(oneandtwoworldtradecenters)和芝加哥希尔斯大厦(searstowers)落成,成为了1974年全球经济危机的预兆。
- In the seventies , the completion of new york 's famous one and two world trade centers and the sears towers in chicago heralded the global economic crises of 1974 .
- 70年代早期,一种名叫干扰素的药物被广泛认为能治愈癌症,它是由白血细胞在病毒感染时释放的蛋白质发展而来。
- In the early seventies , interferon , a drug that had been developed from a protein released by white blood cells during a viral infection , was widely thought to be a possible cure for cancer ; in 1980 , it appeared on the cover oftime .