- 在一项关于实际上需要多少古柯叶的研究悬而未决时,morales将古柯叶的种植面积从原来的1.2万公顷(29500英亩)增至2万公顷。
- Mr morales has raised the permitted amount of coca for traditional use from 12000 hectares ( 29500 acres ) to 20000 , pending a study of how much is actually required .
- 不像可卡因和海洛因,它们只能从有限的古柯和罂粟种植地区进口,而冰毒可以在任何地方制造。
- Unlike cocaine and heroin , imported from the limited regions where coca and poppy are cultivated , meth can be made anywhere .
- 印加帝国的人在进行重体力劳动时靠咀嚼古柯树叶来增强体力。
- The inca chewed coca leaves to pep them up when doing strenuous work .
- 粉状可卡因受到的待遇和类固醇差不多。
- Powder cocaine meets with about as much disapproval as steroids .
- 他们的借口是:我身上有可卡因。
- Their excuse : I was in possession of cocaine .
- 但是river迅速沉迷于可卡因和海洛因并与23岁逝去。
- River soon became addicted to cocaine and heroin and died at 23 .
- 含有天然生成的维生素e和维生素c的食物有抗氧化作用。
- Foods with naturally occurring vitamin e and vitamin c have an antioxidant effect .
- 电子墨水是非常适合阅读,但又存在严重缺点的电子书屏幕技术。
- E ink is satisfying to read but deeply flawed technology for e-book screens .
- 但亚马逊依然明显地在新款金读的电子屏幕上花了很多时间进行优化。
- Still , amazon has clearly put a lot of time into refining the new kindle 's e ink screen .