- 而在古往今来的文献资料中,也可见大量记述疾病苦恼、生命无常之感,与卫生保健、养生的相关著作记载。
- In accordance with the recorded references from ancient to modern times , we could read a lot of writings and accounts with regard to the hygiene , health care , and regimen , as well as the illness , agony , and illusive life .
- 从古代龟蓍占卜到现代科学预测。
- From divination by tortoise-shell and yarrow in ancient times to modern scientific forecast .
- 整个图案包含着从微观到宏观、从古代到现代、从已知世界到未知世界的博大内容,诱发人们产生丰富的联想,并紧扣国际空间年“开发、探险、教育”的主题。
- The stamp embodies plentiful content from microcosmic to macrocosmic , from ancient times to modern times , from knowing world to unknowing world , which gives people plenty of association and inflects the topic of international space year " development , exploration and education " .