- 相比之下,北非和中东的伊斯兰主义者几十年来一直在推动一项议程,主张法律应当来源于《古兰经》中的章节以及其他伊斯兰教经典。
- By contrast , the islamists of north africa and the middle east have for decades promoted the agenda that legislation should come from the suras of the koran and other islamic scripture .
- 他最喜欢的书是古兰经,所以有时候父亲会以逐字背诵古兰经的方式来娱乐那些挑战他的人。
- His favorite book was the koran , so on occasion he would entertain those who would ask by reciting the koran word for word .
- 由于这种情况关乎每一名穆斯林的权利、以及安拉、《古兰经》(thekoran)和先知穆罕默德,因此我们不能鲁莽行事,而是应该仔细考虑每一个行动可能导致的后果,诉诸集体判断的智慧。
- Since the rights of every muslim , as well as god , the koran and the prophet are at stake in such a circumstance , one cannot act recklessly . One should scrutinise the possible ramifications of each and every action , and seek the wisdom of the collective judgment .