- 任何使你顺服神、爱慕神、服侍神的目标,任何使你想要夸耀神并且告诉外邦人“看神为我所做的一切”的目标这些目标都会把荣耀归给神。
- Any goal you set that causes to you obey god , to love god , to serve god , any goal that causes you to want to brag on god and tell unbelievers , ' look what he did for me ' -- that 's the goal that brings glory to god .
- 他们幼稚地自诩:因为他们没有储存盗版内容,所以“不可能要求那些海盗湾背后的人”对盗窃负责。
- They offer the childish brag that because they don 't actually store stolen content , it is " not possible to hold the people behind the pirate bay responsible " for stealing .
- 有时你只想吹牛或者陈述发生了什么。
- Sometimes you just want to brag or recount what happened .
- 某些公司同样用精湛的技术自夸。
- Some also boast superb technology .
- 没有哪个国家敢吹嘘有这么多。
- No other country can boast so many .
- 它最喜欢的自夸是它是世界上最大的援助提供者。
- Its favourite boast is that it is the world 's biggest aid donor .