- 他因要求转会而被贴上了叛徒的标签。
- He was branded a traitor for requesting a transfer from old trafford .
- 另一方面,强硬的穆加贝支持者则视马科尼先生为叛徒。
- On the other side , diehard mugabe fans think him a traitor .
- 北方废奴主义者立即批评丹尼尔.韦伯斯特的演讲,他们称他是叛国者。
- Northern abolitionists quickly criticized daniel webster 's speech . They called him a traitor .
- 公元624至628年,几个阿拉伯半岛的犹太家族同阿拉伯部落古莱氏族结盟,向一名叫穆罕默德的古莱氏族叛徒宣战,因为他竟放肆地宣称自己是真主安拉的先知。
- From 624 to 628ad , several jewish clans in the arabian peninsula joined forces with an arab tribe , the quraysh , to make war on a renegade qurayshi named muhammad who had had the chutzpah to claim he was a prophet of god .
- 他们可能害怕此举会破坏这个变节盟国的安定。
- They presumably fear jeopardising the stability of their renegade ally .
- 他们阻断了向最大的变节者乔治阿瑟(georgeathor)的武装提供武器的通道。
- They disrupted the transfer of arms to the biggest renegade , george athor .
- 我的淘气小叛徒过得咋样?
- How is my naughty little turncoat ?
- 这个叛徒被抓住了!
- A turncoat has been discovered !
- 酒是叛徒,先是朋友,后是敌人.
- Wine is turncoat , first a friend , then a enemy .
- 照片显示了概括视网膜血管网络的纯种老鼠的视网膜。
- This image shows a wistar rat retina outlining the retinal vessel network .
- 重建出的肺被移植到一只大鼠体内,还要把它挂接在通气道和一些主要血管上。
- The rebuilt lung was implanted in a rat and hooked up to airways and key blood vessels .
- 这两件青铜器(一个兔首和一个鼠首)被买家以电话方式竞购。
- The bronzes , the heads of a rabbit and a rat , were sold to telephone bidders .