- 许多伦敦的街道都在讲述着大不列颠的历史。
- Many of london 's streets help narrate british history .
- 或者,叙述一个你在看她,她没有觉察的时刻。
- Or narrate a moment in which she was unaware that you were watching her .
- 讲一个只有你们两个知道的故事,或者叙述一个你在她未察觉是观察她的情境。
- Tell a story that only the two of you know . Or narrate a moment in which she was unaware that you were watching her .
- 他用游戏内置的聊天程序写道。
- He wrote through an in-game chat program .
- 当和别人进行即时通讯时,一定要问一下现在是否是交谈的好时机。
- When instant-messaging , always ask if now is a good time to chat .
- 你要去莫斯科,想和当地人一起喝一杯卡布奇诺并且交谈一番吗?
- Visiting moscow and looking to meet up with a local for cappuccino and a chat ?
- 报告详细叙述了警察残暴、腐败、勒索、绑架等事件。
- The reports recount episodes of police brutality , corruption petty and large , extortion and kidnapping .
- 麦克莱恩和乔.诺塞拉叙述的故事早已报道在新闻上,记录在书本中,政府调查和审判程序中也均有记载。
- Much of the history that bethany mclean and joe nocera recount has already appeared in news accounts , books , government investigations and court proceedings .
- 妇女聚在一块讲述前夜发生的,关于一些亲属被杀害的事。
- The women came together to recount the previous night 's events , which of their relatives had been killed .
- 许多以某种方式涉及外国矿产投资和天然气投资,至少表面上是。
- Many relate in some way to foreign investment in mining and hydrocarbons , ostensibly at least .
- 自闭症损害一个人的沟通、理解的能力,并涉及到社会和他人的情绪。
- Autism impairs a person 's ability to communicate , understand and relate to others socially and emotionally .
- 很多人经常孤立地看待这些事情,看不出它们其实都涉及到另一个。
- Many people often compartmentalize these things and fail to see how they all relate to one another .
- 我们该讨论些什么呢?
- What should we talk about ?
- 和你喜欢的人说说话。
- Talk to someone you like .
- 重新谈论下性生活。
- Have a new sex talk .
- 在公共和私人部门鼓励优秀的方式,都是正确地激励和评估,不会人为地制造好人和坏人。
- The way to encourage strong performance in public and private sectors alike is to motivate and appraise people properly , without creating sheep and goats .
- 需要他们能够分析、评价并解释经济数据和政府项目,当然也包括建议和规划国家经济政策。
- They must be qualified to analyze , appraise and interpret economic data and government programs , as well as formulate and recommend national economic policy .
- 他死后,长着一头“短短的、有主见的、知性的”头发的哲学家艾丽卡,从悉尼派来评价安迪尔的工作。
- After he dies , erica , a philosopher whose hair is " short , determined , academic " , is sent from sydney to appraise his work .