- 但是通用领导人愿意在相对较小的金额上“扭曲原则”的行为可能会让投资者和分析家们感到不安。
- But the news that ge 's leadership was willing to bend the rules over relatively tiny sums may well disconcert investors and analysts .
- “它有很好的服务范围并因其多功能性而受到航空公司的青睐,”他说。
- " It has very good range and is extremely popular with airlines because of its versatility , " he said .
- 胡蝶多才多艺,扮演了很多角色,包括女佣、教师和农家女。
- Her versatility showed in the number of different characters she played including maidservant , teacher , and farm girl .
- 厨师杰里米.凯里服务过的乘客名单包括美国总统比尔.克林顿和巴拉克.奥巴马,他说做这个行当必须多才多艺,因为你本周的客人也许会是一位俄国石油大亨,而下周则是一位沙特王子。
- Chef jeremy kelly , whose impressive list of off-board guests includes u. s.presidents bill clinton and barack obama , said versatility was crucial in an industry that might see you cooking for a russian oligarch one week and a saudi prince the next .