- 你的苦难才是刚刚开始。
- Your suffering is only just beginning .
- 苦难给我留下悲伤和抑郁。
- My suffering left me sad and gloomy .
- 如此深重的苦难实在是太过分了。
- Suffering on such a scale is unconscionable .
- 在尚且短暂的一生中,我已经历过无数次疾病、危机、失望、折磨和迷茫。
- I have had in my short life a multitude of illnesses , close calls , disappointments , sufferings , and personal crosses .
- 对于天下三分之二的受苦人,我是这么想的:与其大呼小叫说要去解放他们,让人家苦等,倒不如一声不吭,忽然有一天把他们解放,给他们一个意外惊喜。
- In terms of two thirds of people all over china , I am having it in mind that it is better to keep silent saying neither ba nor bum than shout and wrangle in name of liberating those people , till one day they are all liberated from sufferings , giving them a big surprise .
- 遭受苦难会精炼我们对上帝的信心,不再掺杂任何其它的想法。
- Sufferings refine our faith in god like nothing else will .