- 在澳大利亚西部小镇巴塞斯特,17岁的丹尼尔迪布利需要一名舞伴陪他参加学校的舞会,最后他为自己定下了很高的目标。
- Daniel dibley , 17 , needed a partner for the school dance in the australian country town of bathurst , west of sydney , and he decided to aim high .
- 如果能解放思想、高瞻远瞩、成功谋划、全力运行,云南人所期待的文化产业的繁荣发达,是完全可以实现的近期目标。
- If we can liberate thought , look far ahead and aim high , design successfully and run well , yunnan must realize the expectant goal ---- the glory and upgrowth of cultural industry .
- 我本人就曾经是打扫人之一。我对你们的忠告是“要胸怀大志”。
- I was one of those sweepers myself . Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started , my advice to you is " aim high " .