- 那些与朝鲜建立外交的国家将撤回派驻朝鲜的大使。
- Countries with diplomatic relations may withdraw ambassadors .
- 假设一些投资者决定撤回他们一个对冲基金的资金。
- Suppose some investors decide to withdraw their money from a hedge fund .
- 奥巴马称将在2010年9月前撤出驻扎在伊拉克的美军。
- Barack obama said he would withdraw american troops from iraq by september 2010 .
- 卡扎菲声称其是战略性撤退。
- Colonel qaddafi called his withdrawal tactical .
- 大部分保守党议员并不喜欢完全撤退。
- Most tory mps do not favour outright withdrawal .
- 其指挥官说这是一次战术撤退。
- Its commanders said it was a tactical withdrawal .
- 你要感觉成为父母棒极了,而不是受气包或自动提款机。
- It feels good to be a parent , not a doormat or an atm machine .
- 现在就有这么一种自动取款机,实际上,还会有更多的出现。
- There is one such atm , actually , and there could be more to come .
- 他指出,自从自动取款机问世以后,再没有出过什么有用的金融产品了。
- He has implied that nothing useful has come out of finance since the atm .