- 但这忽视了削减足够多的赤字以赢得市场信心、从而避免利率达到有害水平的必要性。
- But that ignores the necessity for sufficient deficit reduction to win market confidence and thereby avoid crippling interest rates .
- 为了赢得业务,你必须展示出对自己专业技能的信心。
- To win business you need to demonstrate confidence in your expertise .
- 相比之下,阿什顿夫人在巴勒斯坦人之间设法赢得了信任度,她在布鲁塞尔的办公室装饰了一只加沙儿童画的风筝,同时她也没有失去以色列人的信任。
- Lady ashton , by contrast , has managed to win a degree of trust among palestinians-her office in brussels is decorated with a kite painted by children in gaza-without losing the confidence of the israelis .