- 需经气管插管呼吸支持的急诊小儿发绀26例临床分析。
- Clinical analysis of 26 cyanosis children who need trachea intubation and respiratory support in emergency treatment .
- 由体检知,这病人的体型小,且属纤维性体质:显然苍白,但无紫绀色。
- On examination the patient was small and of ectomorphic habitus : pallor was evident , but there was no cyanosis .
- 重度症状为呼吸困难,紫绀,肺内水泡音,四肢阵发性抽搐或惊厥,意识丧失,
- Severe symptoms of difficulty in breathing , cyanosis , pulmonary blisters audition limbs convulsive fits or convulsions , loss of consciousness .