- 最有争议的地方在于决定谁是真正的发明者的改变。
- The most contentious point is a change to determine who is the rightful inventor .
- 因此,说不存在唯一的电话发明者,是颇有道理的。
- There was , it is fair to say , no single inventor of the telephone .
- 这位年轻的发明家不停地完善他的发明。
- The young inventor kept working on improvements .
- 人是自己幸福的创立者。
- Is the artificer of his own happiness .
- 他是精明的、雅典的工艺大师,他从雅典逃到克里特岛。
- He was a cunning athenian artificer who fled from athens to crete .
- 口腔科有技工室吗?
- Does the department of stomatology have the artificer room ?