- 她看着站在旁边的地方了布赖恩那里与他的干净的切割套件和她的芬迪晚礼服和时尚发型苏珊。
- She looked out of place standing there beside brian with his clean-cut suite and susan in her fendi evening dress and sleek hair style .
- 元旦去商场逛街,发现商场里的每个专柜品牌几乎都推出了不同款式的马夹裙,这可是今年冬季最热的一款单品,可是什么发型搭配马夹裙才能让能更神采奕奕呢?
- New year 's day gets rid of market strolling around the street , the horse discovering every special counter brand inside the market having debuted different style nearly grips skirt , the hottest one shan pin , but what lined hair style collocation horse skirt ability lets this but winter this year can be in fine fettle more ?
- 她看着站在旁边的地方了布赖恩那里与他的干净的切割套件和她的芬迪晚礼服和时尚发型苏珊。
- She looked out of place standing there beside brian with his clean-cut suite and susan in her fendi evening dress and sleek hair style .
- 年岁还是最终带走了他著名的直毛发型,后来也不这么引人注意了。
- Age eventually took its toll on his famously vertical hairdo , which was less dramatic in his later years .
- 我们还可以更进一步:美国税法中的弯弯绕比百老汇演员的发型还要多。
- One could go on : the us tax code has more crazy kinks than a broadway performer 's hairdo .
- 这个鞑靼女人看起来不高兴可能因为这个看上去痛苦的发型的原因吧。
- The tartar woman doesn 't look very happy perhaps due to what looks like a painful hairdo !
- 耶稣在诸多宗教标志中的发型很有可能与他真实的形象无关。
- No. it 's very unlikely that the jesus hairstyle shown in religious icons has anything to do with his actual coiffure .
- 那个明星上台时穿了一套黑色的皮衣,梳了一个50年代的发型。
- The star appeared on stage in a black leather outfit and a1950s coiffure .